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3 March 2025 - New desktop update released

Texture optimisations to reduce memory utilisation
Start up optimisations to reduce start up times
Update websocket based camera control
Update sci-fi gates to reduce the texture overhead and improve memory usage
Update collision of one of the walls in tech facility

17 February 2025 - New desktop update released

Add full support to the websocket for running tournaments in VelociDrone using RotorHazard

Allow changing of spectator cameras by number using the number keypad
Turn off multiplayer if multiplayer DNS exceptions occur (stop unnecessary error messages when playing offline)
Change pixel light allocation to 8 for true lens (reduce issues of different lighting per composite camera in true lens)
Fix ammo bar being overlaid by speed and windspeed UI in combat
Remove player position display in nemesis as it is not needed (and incorrect)
Update advanced water in coastal and island scenes to latest level to attempt to fix issues on some older cards and drivers that don't support compute shaders well
Fix a small gap on the invisible offset flag that stopped it from activating
Add MGP PRO Spec as a track type for track editor, track upload and track filtering
Update HummingBird RS Pids to make it fly better
Add Bloom adjustment to the ingame pause menu
Add new decals to track editor so we have some FPV related graffiti
Change how official track download works so it cannot block or delay simulator startup

17 December 2024 - New desktop update released


Add betaflight throttle limit (throttle capping)
Increase multiplayer to 10 players (from 7)
Multithread the prop and drag physics to better utilise multi processors and make the sim run smoother
Increase the available physics settings to include very high and ultra high (double the current best physics setting)
Update the prop physics to include prop deformation under high load
Update drag simulation to include both induced and parasitic drag
Improve accuracy of the drag surfaces in 3D for the quad as it penetrates the air
Updated aerodynamics for all quads
Dark UI Skin added for light sensitive players
Add UID to main menu
Add quad lock message for when the quad is frozen using W key
Allow shift-space to move backwards through spectator cameras
Allow Shift-I to change indicator colours in game
Add a black outline on gate indicators (not for true lens)
Add some new coloured cubes to polyworld for low poly tracks
Add new menu option to allow the control sticks to stay on between scenes and simulator restarts
Add option to remove the boxes on player tags
Allow websocket to continue to work even if you are not the race manager or race manager is passed to someone else
Add UID to leaderboard export data
Add new whoop gate with custom banner capability to the Micro gates category of track editor
Change player collision to be controlled by the race manager in multiplayer - all players will inherit the race managers collision settings
Add pinch camera to true lens

New Quads:
MGP Pro Spec 7"
Tiny Trainer
Mobula 6 2024
BetaFPV Air 65 Racing
BetaFPV Air 65 Freestyle
NewBeeDrone Hummingbird v3
NewBeeDrone Hummingbird v3.1 Race Spec
TinyHawk 2
Race Whoop (Tdog custom build)
BetaFPV Cetus Pro
BetaFPV Cetus-X
7Wonders Street League
DinDrones OZR5X

Stop laps slider getting set to 100 on track selection screen
Fix escape/formatting characters getting displayed in track names
Allow clicking of the axis name in controller setup instead of just the axis bar when setting up custom switches
Fix track rating functionality in download track manager
Main Menu Lighting fixes
Fix gate indicators getting stuck on
Slow down friends list refresh rate so you can scroll to find friends without it refreshing too quickly
Add current screen resolution to the available screen resolutions if it isn't already there (Linux fix for missing resolutions)
Fix various colliders in the house scene (micros) so that you don't hit invisible colliders on plants and so on
Fix relay mode starting the wrong players if they have switched team colours

29 June 2024 - Old VelociDrone server decommisioned

Yesterday we decommissioned our old velocidrone webserver. The result of this will be that anyone running an old simulator that has not been running the launcher to keep it updated will no longer be able to login or use the simulator. The fix is simple, run the launcher that you installed velocidrone with to update it and it will reconnect you to our new server.

25 June 2024 - VelociDrone Mobile Update

We have updated both the Android and iOS versions of velocidrone as there was a bug accessing the new server for new official tracks and also for downloading and flying existing official tracks. Please access your app store in order to update.

20 June 2024 - Velocidrone bug fix patch

We have released a small patch today that fixes problems with changing the race mode. This was a small bug introduced in the last update.

7 June 2024 - Velocidrone Update

We have released an update to move all customers from our old server to our new one. This includes updates for all desktop clients and mobile clients. This update is a REQUIRED update, if you do not update then you may lose access to your simulator until you complete the update.

30 May 2024 - VelociDrone New Website

VelociDrone has launched it's new website, with a cleaner look, up-to-date data and additional functionality. Plus faster servers.