
Thousands of Tracks

VelociDrone comes with over one thousand tracks as part of the base license, there is also an online database with over forty thousand additional tracks available for download inside of the simulator.
You will never run out of new tracks to fly.

Competitions and races are constantly being run in VelociDrone by the community as well as weekly time trials. All of VelociDrone's tracks are built by the community using the simulators in built track editor.
Popular tracks are promoted to be automatically installed to users simulators, so there are always new tracks to fly every single week.
The design and build of new tracks as well as which tracks get promoted is all community driven, meaning that all of our track content is created and promoted by our community.

Flight Aerodynamics

VelociDrone comes with our own proprietary physics and aerodynamics system. Using real aerodynamics calculations for prop thrusts, naca curves for prop profiles.
Our simulation doesn't just stop there - we simulate the whole quad as per real life from end to end, from battery with voltage and current, to ESC with real ESC code for throttle ramping, braking and mark space ratios.
We also use full flight controller code to control the power to the motors and the motors are fully simulated with current, voltage and kv ratings as well as coil resistance and torque simulation.
We also run a full aerodynamic drag simulation for the frame. VelociDrone is known for it's class leading physics and aerodynamics - it is because we take simulation so seriously that it flies as well as it does.
This allows you to convert simulator learned skills to real life skills as quickly as possible. It is no surprise that the majority of the fastest pilots in the world all practice regularly in VelociDrone.

Track Editor

Velocidrone has the most comprehensive track editor of any simulator available, with gates for most major racing leagues in standard sizes.
The track editor has over two thousand unique objects, including gates, barriers, trees and other urban objects for not only laying out gates but also building entire environments to fly through.

Large Selection of Quads

The basic license of VelociDrone comes with five inch racing quads and three inch toothpick quads.
In total there are more than thirty quads of various designs for racing included in the basic license.
VelociDrone also has premium content packs for Micro, Mega and Freestyle.
These packs add into VelociDrone huge mega class quads, beast class quads, whoops and a selection of freestyle five inch quads, bringing the total quad count to over seventy quads.
Plus we are always looking to add in coming new classes of quads like Street League, which was made available in the last update.

Online and Offline Racing

VelociDrone has a full multiplayer system for online racing so you can race your friends online in multiplayer sessions.
Our multiplayer system is hosted on professional multiplayer servers, with servers in countries all over the world so you can always get a good fast connection to a geographically local server.

VelociDrone also has "Nemesis" mode - which is offline multiplayer racing. In this mode you can race the recorded flights of other players, so you are not reliant on players being online in order to race each other.
Nemesis will automatically pit you against similar skilled pilots or you can take control and load the recorded race of any pilot on the leaderboard.
Nemesis mode has well over fifty thousand recorded flights from other players for you to race against.

Lastly you can also play single player and just compete against yourself or times on our leaderboards across the thousands of tracks available.

Diverse Sceneries

VelociDrone has a diverse set of sceneries to fly within.
The basic license contains the majority of our sceneries but there are some specific scenes added in the micro premium pack and also the freestyle pack.
We have both indoor and outdoor environments, so you can fly in a house or an office. Alternatively you could fly outside in an office complex or in the country side.
There are abandoned buildings, a baseball stadium and a sports hall.
We even have a nightclub, warehouses, factories and a tropical island.
Almost anything you can think of we have - even a sci-fi hangar on another planet.

You can also chase drift cars on our Drift Track in the freestyle premium content or fly through low poly stylised environments from our combat premium pack.
Much like quads we are always adding in new sceneries or updating and improving older sceneries.


VelociDrone has a combat premium pack and we are the only simulator that will let you fly a armed quad and shoot down your friends in online combat.
Combat has multiple modes including death match, team death match and capture the flag modes. We also have more specialised game modes like king of the hill or "control" where you have to hold and control two separate zones on the map.

Combat is all hosted in low poly stylised environments and some of our most unique and complex track builds have been created by users for combat.
You can find recreation of other popular first person shooter maps in combat that our customers have built so they can fly their favourite maps rather than walk them.

Combat uses realistic flight modelling for the combat quads and the skills built in combat are actually very complimentary to overall flight skills for every day flying.
This makes combat a very unique but exciting and heart pounding way to build your flight skills rather than just flying around in normal environments in the simulator on your own.